
musiconn.performance is the central infrastructure of the FID Musicology for indexing, securing and networking research data on musical performances:

Documents on performance events (programs, concert announcements, reviews, etc.) and the information that can be extracted from them are relevant to a wide range of musicological questions; they open up access to the social impact of music and provide answers, for example, in the areas of taste formation, canonization, institutional research. Accordingly, a growing number of projects turn to the indexing of special collections of so-called music performance ephemera or systematically index, for example, the performances of individual persons, institutions or works. Up to now, however, the respective projects have worked with individual indexing standards and using different formats. Networked research or subsequent use in the context of new research questions is then only possible with difficulty, and the long-term provision of the research results developed in project contexts funded for a limited time also poses challenges.

This is where musiconn.performance would like to provide a remedy: On the one hand, the service is available to external project partners for recording (contributors are mainly scientific and library projects, concert halls and ensembles, see, but on the other hand it also offers the possibility to integrate already existing data corpora after appropriate examination and to secure them in the long term. This is intended to reduce the creation of further, unlinked databases in the long term and to provide researchers with a convenient central search entry point. To ensure the best possible connectivity with the Semantic Web, the data of the persons, corporate bodies, places and works involved is consistently recorded using standards data from the Integrated Authority File (GND).

If you are planning corresponding projects or would like to make data corpora available via musiconn.performance, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Further Information:


SLUB Dresden                           
Dr. Christian Kämpf

Partners and Projects:

  • Fanny Hensels Sonntagsmusiken
  • Dresdner Kreuzchor
  • Musica Migrans
  • Staatsoper Dresden
  • Leipziger Synagogalchor
  • Repertoire research on the Leipziger Thomanerchor
  • Ritual design for the ballet stage
  • Bialik Collection (HMTM Hannover)
  • and many more...

Picture credits