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Newsletter of the Specialized Information Service Musicology

No. 3

23 November 2022


Dissertation Reporting Office (dms) of the German Musicological Society (Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, GfM)

New functions available

Since July 2022, a new version of the Dissertation Reporting Office (dms) offers direct links between the registered dissertation projects and the entries from the Gateway Bayern portal. This gives the dms a connection to the B3Kat, the joint catalog of the “Bibliotheksverbundes Bayern” (BVB) and the “Kooperativen Bibliotheksverbundes Berlin-Brandenburg” (KOBV).

Additional information on doctoral candidates is also displayed via a separate standards data window. The display accesses the integrated authority file (Gemeinsame Normdatei, GND). Further publications of the persons can be queried by clicking on the button "Related titles". In the user interface, various display tools and hyperlinks provide accessibility and display of the new features.

In addition, there were some fundamental adjustments: The subpages were revised with regard to gender-appropriate language and barrier-friendliness. Existing filter options were also improved. It is now possible to search specifically for completed or unfinished dissertation projects or supervising persons. The introduction of a new help page with detailed instructions for use as well as the modernization of the web design also provide an improved user experience.

The dms as the central information medium for ongoing and completed qualification theses in German-language musicology has thus evolved into a multiple research tool that profitably links existing library catalogs with information on current research work.


A repository for sounding music

In the current project phase, the Specialized Information Service for Musicology musiconn is building a new repository musiconn.audio, which will serve to store and make available audio files as central source material in musicology. With this emerging service, SLUB Dresden is addressing individual scholars and projects that would like to make their digital audio materials as research data clearly referencable, connectable and sustainably accessible.

In terms of content, the spectrum of audio materials in musicology is wide-ranging. It can be corpora for interpretation research, individual videos from social media, field research recordings and much more. The diversity of the material is associated with often complicated legal situations, which are to be countered in the future through differentiated rights management. The offer of a combined use of musiconn.publish and musiconn.audio should be of particular interest: Texts published online at musiconn.publish can then be linked directly to sound samples at musiconn.audio.

As with all musiconn services, the new infrastructure module will be accompanied by appropriate consultations. Interested projects and individual scientists can already contact us now. An early exchange allows us to develop our service in line with demand.

RISM Music Incipits

Interdisciplinary workshop at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

On 19 September 2022, the FID Musicology organized an interdisciplinary workshop on searching for note beginnings in the RISM Catalog in the “Gärtner Hall” of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB). Representatives from the fields of use, cataloguing and technology reflected on the current state of RISM Incipit Search and jointly developed perspectives for future adaptations of the catalog. Nine short keynote speeches first provided insights into the various facets of the subject and encouraged a productive exchange between the approximately 30 participants.

Within the framework of the FID Musicology (musiconn), the BSB is responsible for the technical development and hosting of the RISM Catalog. The results of the workshop will flow into the further development of the online catalog.


Workshop at the GfM Conference 2022

This year the Specialized Information Service for Musicology was again represented at the conference of the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (GfM) with a workshop. Around 20 interested people took part in the 90-minute event in Berlin, which was led by Eloísa Deola Schennerlein and Andrea Hammes from the SLUB Dresden. The first topic was the basics: Publishing in Open Access and the different variants (green, gold, diamond) were extensively presented, and the not always simple legal situation was explained. In particular, the references to the strategies of the publishers and the importance of the so-called post print for secondary publication met with great interest and were fruitfully discussed by the participants. Subsequently, publishing on musiconn.publish was the focus of interest: almost 2,000 monographic publications and almost 10 journals are now already available in the musicological subject repository since the start of the project in 2017 - with a strong upward trend. The importance of the repository was demonstrated with regard to long-term archiving and the high visibility of the content (on BMS online, RILM, in the KVK). Finally, the legal security of authors was discussed and the possibilities of Creative Commons licences explained in more detail.


Key texts of musicology re-read

Reviewers wanted for the new "re-reading" format

The editors of the blog musiconn.kontrovers invite you to participate in a new format of contributions: In the section "Re-Lektüren", an examination of musicological literature of the past is to be initiated. The column wants to tap the subject for "key texts" - also in their ambivalence - and discuss questions like the following:

  • Which texts are musicological 'classics'? How do texts acquire this reputation and status? Are there 'implicit' and 'explicit' canons?
  • What influence have such 'key texts' had and still have on research discourse? How have they influenced the subject methodologically or theoretically?
  • What is the significance of 'classics' in the context of university teaching?
  • How were and are these texts perceived outside musicology? What role do they play for the view of their themes and objects outside academia?
  • What role does the social, (research) political, perhaps also ideological framing of historical specialist contributions play in their reception?
  • Are the texts still relevant today - and if so, to what extent?


A number of volumes (see below) are already available for review. However, the editorial team is also open to your own suggestions. So please feel free to contact kontrovers.redaktion@musiconn.de, at any time if you would like to discuss one of the above-mentioned or other texts in a "re-reading".

Further information on the project and first re-readings can be found here: https://kontrovers.musiconn.de/inhalt#relektueren

The following volumes are currently available and can be made available on request (most in German):

  • Hugo Riemann: Grundriss der Musikwissenschaft, Leipzig 1908
  • Paul Bekker: Das deutsche Musikleben, Berlin 1916
  • Ulrich Michels: dtv-Atlas Musik, München 1977
  • Eva Rieger: Frau, Musik und Männerherrschaft. Zum Ausschluß der Frau aus der deutschen Musikpädagogik, Musikwissenschaft und Musikausübung, Frankfurt a. M. 1981
  • Christian Kaden: Musiksoziologie, Berlin 1984
  • Thrasybulos G. Georgiades: Nennen und Erklingen. Die Zeit als Logos, Göttingen 1985
  • Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht: Musik im Abendland. Prozesse und Stationen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, München 1991
  • Susan McClary: Feminine endings. Music, gender, and sexuality, Minnesota 1991
  • Pamela M. Potter: Die deutscheste der Künste. Musikwissenschaft und Gesellschaft von der Weimarer Republik bis zum Ende des Dritten Reichs, Stuttgart 2000

The FID Musicology introduces itself

Online introduction to the musiconn project on 8.12.22 as part of the BSB webinar series "Recherche spezial".

In an online introduction, employees of the BSB and SLUB will give an overview of the fields of activity of musiconn and present selected offers on the basis of practical examples: These range from comprehensive research options and the provision of subject databases to the licensing of fee-based e-media for the academic community. The format is aimed at all those interested in research, teaching and studying. Further information can be found here.


News Staff

New member of staff in project coordination at SLUB Dresden

Since 1 October 2022, Christian Kämpf has been responsible for project coordination in the FID Musicology at the Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden, in particular for the services musiconn.publish and musiconn.performance. For this purpose, he moved from Halle (Saale), where he worked as a subject specialist at the University and State Library, to the Saxon state capital. From 2019 to 2020 he was a curator at the German Historical Museum in Berlin, and from 2012 to 2019 he worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Musicology and Music Education at the University of Bremen.  There he was awarded a doctorate in cultural studies in 2019 with a thesis on the fantastic in musical romanticism. He completed his studies in musicology, Protestant theology and journalism at the University of Leipzig in 2011 with a Magister Artium. Christian Kämpf will be happy to answer any questions you may have about online publishing on musiconn.publish and about the musical event database musiconn.performance.


About this newsletter

The newsletter of the Specialized Information Service Musicology informs you about musicological topics, resources, events and much more.


Publisher: Music Departments of the Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek and the Sächsischen Landesbibliothek — Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
Newsletter Editor: Jürgen Diet
Responsible for the content of this issue: Jürgen Diet, Dr. Christian Kämpf
Contact: info@musiconn.de

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