
Here you will find some useful information for your research. Should you still have unanswered questions, please feel free to contact the musiconn team via the contact information! Following the research notes, you can get an overview of the data sources integrated in the musiconn search.

Write one or more search terms in the input field and start the search by clicking on the search icon.

  • Two or more search terms in the entry field will be joined by the operator AND.
  • Capitalization and small letters are irrelevant.
  • You can abbreviate a search term with an asterisk (*) or replace single characters by question mark (?) (so-called truncation).
    Examples: Piano* / Stra?insky

You can limit your search - if offered - by further criteria, which are linked by AND.

As a logged in user you may permanently save some settings for search and display in the Search preferences.

Click Search to run the search and get the Results.

Click Clear to wipe all entry fields.

You may limit your search using additional search restrictions if offered.

Your search query is created based on a modular design principle, i.e. with the help of the following elements your final search term is put together. Touchpoint uses this term to search the selected databases:

Search Fields
(Selection boxes) 
All search fields use identical selections of so-called search attributes (author, title, place, etc.); your library will assemble default values for you.

Search field All fields:
This runs a basic search covering all available fields of the database.

Operators Choice of the logical operators you may use to link the search attributes.
  • and
  • or
  • or not

Examples of linked search attributes are given in section Search Syntax.

Input fields Manual input of your search query.
If you enter two or more search terms they will be joined by the operator AND.
  • Capitalization and small letters are irrelevant.
  • You can truncate a search term with an asterisk (*) or replace or single characters by question mark (?) (so called truncation).
    Examples: Piano* / Stra?insky

You can add additional search limitations - if offered - to your search query which will be joined by the operator AND.

As a logged-in user you can permanently save some settings for search and display in the Search preferences.

Once you clicked Search all matches will be displayed in the Results sorted by database.

Click Clear to wipe all input fields.

Result list

The result list contains the following information or functions, the actual display is dependent on your library's settings:

  • Shows the search term exactly as Touchpoint built it from your input.
    Example: "Your search query: Title = Music AND Author = Dahlhaus".
  • With the help of the navigation line you may move within portions of the result list; portions will be shown by pages. Inactive portions are underlined. Use the navigation icons ">>" and "<<" to hop forwards or backwards.
  • Number of results within a specific database
  • For each item the relevant title categories are displayed.
    All matches are numbered subsequently by Touchpoint showing the item type by an icon to give you more information about their characteristics (book, CD-ROM etc.).
  • By selecting titles you can add them to My list.

If a search query could not be correctly processed by a database or if the database is currently not available, you will receive a corresponding message.


Full record

By clicking on the title of an item the Full record will be shown.

The navigation line already described above is available as well. You may browse all remaining matches in the full entry display without going back to the results each time.

The full entry offers additional information regarding the item you have chosen, e.g. publisher, ISBN, keywords etc.

Depending on the services offered by your library you may get additional information below the full record display:

  • Holdings: will give you information about item number or footnotes, order status, class mark, branch.
  • Get document: The availability check tells you if and how the title is available to you.
  • more title information: displays the complete set of title categories.
  • Reviews: displays reviews if available.


You can save titles selected from the Results to the lists.

You can manage multiple lists at any one time and name each list individually. For example, you can create lists relevant to your subject, modify or amend them.

An entry selected from the result list is always added to a temporary list unless you have pre-set a specific list name in your personal Search preferences or unless you create a new list name.

If you have saved items in the temporary list without first using the service Log on you can add or transfer them to an already existing list once logged on.

With the help of the navigation line you may move within portions of the list; they are denoted by page numbers. With the links all / none you may either select a title or reset your selection and afterwards you may carry out one of the actions detailed below. Select individual titles by clicking the checkbox left of a title.

Two different display formats are available: Brief records and Full records.


Select list

As not logged in user you can only select the temporary list.
As logged in user the following functions are available:

Select List Selection of lists saved so far; select one list and it displays directly.
Delete Delete the selected list completely.
Delete selected titles Use the link Delete selection to delete all selected titles.
Copy selected entries Use one of the functions below to copy or move selected entries to another list or create a new list name.



The offered "output options" depend on your library's settings. The following functions might be available:

Print Print selected entries to your local printer.
Save Save selected entries to your local file system.
Send To email entries enter the recipient and a subject and click Send.
Subject: List about libretti

Combination of Search Terms 

Join the search categories given in the selection boxes of the Advanced Search with the logic operators AND, OR, AND NOT.
Usage of operators may have various consequences for the result list:

Operator Description Example Result
AND All results which contain both search terms (intersection of sets) Title: "music" AND
Autor: "Dahlhaus"
All items are included in the result list which have the word "music" as a or in the title and the author of which is named "Dahlhaus".
OR All results which contain either search term (set union) Autor: "Boethius"
OR Year: "513"
All items either written by an author named "Boethius" or published in the year 513 are included in the result list.
AND NOT All data sets which contain which do not contain the search term (exemption set). Autor: "Beethoven"
AND "piano sonata" AND NOT publisher: "Henle"
All editions of piano sonatas by composer Beethoven which were not published by Henle are included in the result list.



Truncate your search terms to extend the search to all terms which

  • start with a particular word or part of a word: right truncation.
    Example: Piano*
  • end with a particular word or part of a word: left truncation.
    Example: *sonata
  • start with a particular word or part of a word and end with another: inner truncation.
    Example: Saxo*one

Mainly, it is used to provide for different spelling and variations of terms, e.g. singular and, or plural forms.

Touchpoint uses the following wildcards:

Wildcard Effect Example
* replaces a number of alphanumeric characters input right truncated: Son*
Result: Sonata, Sonatine, Song etc.
input inner truncated: Saxo*on
Result: Saxofon, Saxophone
input left truncated: *sonata
Result: Violin sonatas, moonlight sonata etc. 
? replaces exactly one alphanumeric character Input: Stra?insky
Result: Stravinsky, Strawinsky

BASE: Search engine for scientific documents: BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) is one of the world's largest search engines specifically for scientific (Open Access) documents. The metasearch of musiconn specifically includes a subject section with titles relevant to music.
Bayerische Staatsoper - Historical Performance Material  The historical music library of the Münchner Nationaltheater is one of the most extensive and valuable opera libraries. This collection with the signature group "" (Staatstheater) comprises the performance material for approximately 955 stage works dating from around 1780 to the middle of the 20th century. It includes handwritten and printed sources.
BMLO - Bayerisches Musikerlexikon Online  The BMLO is a prosopographical encyclopedia of persons in the contexts of Bavarian music history. In particular, it offers an indexing tool for music lexicons, biographical literature, archival, library and virtual data holdings associated with the persons covered (from the Middle Ages to the present).
British Library – Printed music  The British Library is one of the largest libraries in the world, with a total collection of approximately 150 million works. The British Library's printed music comes from all European countries and ranges from the beginnings of music printing in the late 15th century to the present day.
Library of Congress -  Music excerpt The Library of Congress is one of the most important libraries in the world. Via, a part of the LoC's music collections up to the year 2014 is integrated. The excerpt includes a selection of 270,000 records.
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek - MusicOPAC  The MusicOPAC includes catalogs of all printed music, sound carriers (DVD, CD, records and cassettes), AV media and digital media, microforms, the complete literature on music including the music journals of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek as well as the special catalogs Sammlung Her and Historisches Aufführungsmaterial der Bayerischen Staatsoper.
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek - Musikschrifttum Literature on music, such as monographs on composers, doctrines of composition, and treatises on music history from the holdings of the Music Department of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Currently, this collection contains approximately 3,400 digitized works from the period 1800 to 1870, which are searchable in full text.
Database Information System (DBIS) The Database Information System (DBIS) is a service that lists scientific databases. Both free databases and those that have to be licensed for a respective library or for a region are recorded. Currently, more than 13,000 databases are recorded in DBIS. In addition to holdings on CD-ROM and DVD, online offerings are primarily recorded - the excerpt from the subject area of musicology is included.
DMA - Deutsches Musikarchiv  The German Music Archive of the German National Library is the central collection place for sheet music editions and sound recordings and the music bibliographic information center of Germany. The basis of the collection are the publications which are delivered by German music publishers and labels on the basis of the law about the German National Library in two documents.
EZB - Electronic Zeitschriftendatenbank  The Electronic Zeitschriftendatenbank is a service for the effective use of scientific full-text journals on the Internet. It offers fast, structured and uniform access to scientific full-text journals. Included is the excerpt from the subject area musicology.
HmT - Handwörterbuch der musikalischen Terminologie The „Handwörterbuch der musikalischen Terminologie“ (HmT) is a completed project of the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, was edited after Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht by Albrecht Riethmüller and is published by Franz Steiner Verlag (Stuttgart). It deals with the origin and meaning of musical terms in detailed monographs by comprehensively processing and lexically presenting their conceptual and semantic history.
IMSLP - International Music Score Library Project IMSLP is the world's largest digital music library. It is also called the "Petrucci Library" after the Venetian book printer and music publisher Ottaviano Petrucci, who invented music printing at the end of the 15th century. When integrating this data into musiconn, only the works of those composers who have been dead for at least 70 years and are therefore copyright-free in Germany and many other countries are included.
OLC-SSG The database OLC-SSG Musicology is an extract from the Swets database "Online Contents", which evaluates tables of contents of subject-related journals for the years 1994 to 2014.
RISM - Répertoire International des Sources Musicales  Here RISM offers its large database of music sources. You can search free of charge in over 1.3 million entries, in which you will find mainly historical handwritten sheet music (the majority written before 1900). You can consult these originals in the indicated libraries, music archives or private collections, and often have reproductions made. This online publication was made possible by a cooperation between the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz and RISM. The description of the sources is made and financed by various national and international bodies.
SBB Music Catalog - Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz  The music department of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz is one of the most outstanding music collections worldwide. In the musiconn metasearch, all books, printed music and sound recordings listed in the online catalog Stabikat are searchable. For books published before 1909, printed music published before 1990, and sound recordings published up to 2000, the image catalogs of the music department ( should be consulted, since these inventory segments are not yet fully recorded electronically.
musiconn - Expert*innendatenbank The Expert*innendatenbank provides information on scientists working in the field of music research in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. In addition to personal data (research focus, collaboration in scientific projects, institute affiliation, website and email address of the scientist), general information is also available, for example on research fields that are currently being worked on by one or more scientists.
musiconn -
Internet resources 
The database "Internet resources on musicology" makes scientifically relevant Internet sources on all areas of musicology accessible. University institutes can be found here as well as various projects and databases. In addition to internet resources from the university and library environment, numerous research institutions as well as relevant private sites are included. Furthermore, freely available texts, mostly in PDF format, are made accessible via this database.
ÖNB - Music Catalog  The music collection of the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek is Austria's largest music archive, at the same time a modern scientific utility library and the repository of the most valuable original musical manuscripts. Music manuscripts, music prints, librettos of operas and vocal works, musicological literature, sound recordings and the estates of important Austrian composers are stored here and made accessible for use. The catalogs of the audio carriers and music prints are integrated into the musiconn search.


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