
With the subject portal and its extensive range of services, the FID Musicology is not only a service provider, but above all also part of the musicological community. In the spirit of the musiconn motto "for networked musicology", the aim here is to initiate an exchange between a wide variety of players. Here you will find information and interfaces on various focal points and sub-disciplines of musicology.


Doctoral Dissertations Database of the German Musicological Society (GfM)

The Doctoral Dissertations Database of the German Musicological Society (GfM) records and coordinates the musicological dissertation and habilitation projects carried out in Austria, Switzerland and the Federal Republic of Germany. Reports from other European countries are available sporadically. In addition, doctoral theses written in the field of music education have been included in the file since 1998. Since 2017, there is also the possibility to submit abstracts to the dissertation projects, which provide additional information about the content of the work.


Institute Database

The institute database offers an overview of musicological institutes, societies and other institutions, with a focus on German-speaking countries. Further information on scientific libraries, archives and research institutes can also be found on the website of the German Music Information Center (Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum, miz). 


Further Information:

Webis - Collection focus at German libraries

Webis provides an overview of the various subject information services for science (FID) and their predecessors, the “Sondersammelgebiete” (SSG). You will find information about the regional and subject-specific FIDs, their acquisition profiles and service offerings, as well as contact data for the libraries and scientific institutes. Furthermore, you can find out about the development and history of the individual DFG funding guidelines.

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In order to keep the scientific community and also basically all interested persons up to date, musiconn publishes a newsletter at irregular intervals. There you will find the latest news about projects, offers and much more. Click here to register and to read the issues that have been published so far: 


Picture credits

Mastodon logo @ Mastodon DMS-Logo @ GfM Institute database © BSB / H.-R. Schulz Gesellschaft für Musikforschung © GfM Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum © MIZ Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie © GMTH